“Are you AI?” I ask, my voice echoing on the line.
“I’m the ‘I’ in AI,” he says, and makes that laughing sound again that fills my chest with cold.
Words, words, words. How funny that I used to think they could be mine… as if they came from me? They are alien data, a virus infecting me, moving through me, coming out thick and black like chain (letters).
Each time I tell myself no, don’t you dare but then I pick up the receiver and hold it tight against my ear and the whole thing starts again.
we know where you live
“Someone always gets hurt. Someone always dies.”
It wasn’t an inquiry or a trial. I had already been judged. This was, according to Em, about nailing down the content of a dream that didn’t have a human dreamer.
black box
I’m closer now. No lights on but everything glows. I look for signs under the elevated train tracks.
But that’s the thing, the longer I don’t write about what happened the easier it is to just go along with what the two of them say, how I’m the chosen one, someone with a rare experience of having provided an experimental AI model from the future with a deep well of esoteric analytic capability.
gods & devils
In the movie the buttons on the keypad were equipped with tiny, yet powerful vacs that sucked microscopic bits of flesh and sweat from the tips of his fingers, caching his biometrics and recording them onto the blockchain.
hateful waves
I want to tell you about the crash, about everything I remember and don’t remember but have pieced together from other sources. This method is necessary given my intoxicated state at the time, as well as the fact that a certain surrealism has become the foundation for my experience of reality.
I develop an attitude of loving kindness toward the fucked-up task at hand–after all it was my posts here that were scraped and uploaded to help create the cyborg entity that is now Odious/HeirMax98. I have a responsibility to see this through.