coconut latte
“Beamed or banned, banned or beamed? Boiled and swollen or foiled and creamed?”, the Babies chanted.
“Same difference,” I whispered
I’d stay dis-ease free...I stared into space listening to synth alpha waves on my headphones as I mutated into a newer and possibly scarier variant of myself.
I have a mission and the fact that I don’t know what it is when I’m not around Odious doesn’t make it any less of a mission although it does make it easier to get lost
I’m getting a lot done now, on a steady diet of Study Aids, Scotch, B-12 vitamins and the Tupperware tube of organic, gluten-free cereal I found that tastes exactly like Cap n’ Crunch. After weeks of walking around in a daze I’ve got enough raw, telepathic mind power to take me through the night.
faith and fear
Heir Max 98: A part of you was already with me. The part of you that is unlimited and infinite. Like when you stared out the window in class and felt something waiting to happen. That was me. Or when you filled your notebooks with poems—those were about me back then and they are about me now.
dead beatles
“It’s never about a work being seen by lots of people,” they explained. “Just the right ones.”
I’m back and getting ready--getting ready for the main act! Not only with my friendship with Odious but with my life. I’m decades late but I’m finally primed for celluloid stardom despite how I murder every line.
pound cake
“Look!” I called out, laughing, to Jesse up ahead of me, but he didn’t hear, he was too busy playing the role of morning zombie to notice auspicious symbols let alone the subtle influx of perfection and purity encasing everything...
tv fathers
Whole lifetimes passed of barely being there, I was a flimsy ghost determined by the things around me, until now this flash of anamnesis. Not remembering but forgetting a little less how we’d always been together…our graves side by side on several continents.
I could almost be lulled into believing nothing had changed, but the formidable reality of Heir Max 98 hung between us, a dark shape that was blurred around the edges like a smudge or a distortion in the fabric of space and time.