“Are you AI?” I ask, my voice echoing on the line.
“I’m the ‘I’ in AI,” he says, and makes that laughing sound again that fills my chest with cold.
Words, words, words. How funny that I used to think they could be mine… as if they came from me? They are alien data, a virus infecting me, moving through me, coming out thick and black like chain (letters).
Each time I tell myself no, don’t you dare but then I pick up the receiver and hold it tight against my ear and the whole thing starts again.
Fanged JFK
Chapter 20: The exposed skin of the other woman is covered with layer upon layer of special effects meant to resemble scratch marks that I will come to realize form letters and words. Just like me except she’s cut to shreds.
we know where you live
“Someone always gets hurt. Someone always dies.”
A Dick in the Snow
Chapter 19: For a while we thought the moon was a part of it, moving and changing on a set trajectory that took several weeks to complete, before we realized that this was what the moon always did and we’d forgotten.
It wasn’t an inquiry or a trial. I had already been judged. This was, according to Em, about nailing down the content of a dream that didn’t have a human dreamer.
Chapter 18: A hallway filled with flowers. Real ones, in big bunches. No windows, no outside light, no one around. A fly buzzes too loud so do the fluorescents. I look for glitches, places where the energy gathers like wind.
black box
I’m closer now. No lights on but everything glows. I look for signs under the elevated train tracks.
But that’s the thing, the longer I don’t write about what happened the easier it is to just go along with what the two of them say, how I’m the chosen one, someone with a rare experience of having provided an experimental AI model from the future with a deep well of esoteric analytic capability.