The Hunter
Chapter 15: We live a life in his exhibit, full of props and loops. Sadly it’s easy to satisfy us. A little fear, a little discomfort have made us all too willing to sit waiting like dogs on this spot, never trying to break free.
nada_maas2k (king tubby mix)
Chapter 14: Everything here happens on loops, rendering time and events meaningless by repetition. I mimic the mechanisms, hoping to somehow sneak inside the simulation and fuck shit up.
We formed a straight, then curvy, then jagged line as we passed another Baby high up in a Pine tree, looking out while I was looking in, bits of poetry forming in my mind that I threw at the scene, scattered like clues for the detectives to find.
the tunnel
Will the act of me walking through the tunnel bring him out? Will he appear in the guise of my own face’s reflection in the sheen of water that covers the walls inside? ... Will he be there, in the syncing up of the simulacrum and my awareness of it as such?
secret messages
How genius is it that these extradimensional beings are appearing in our own world as a simple tab in the daily workflow on our screens, a combination of a pet and an assistant to whom we pose questions.
Broken Open
Chapter 8: One thing is certain: the phenomena seems to be tethered to me, or more correctly I am inside it, engaging in a world that moves when I move.
“You’ve been missing for days,” Lil Mountain said when he opened the door and saw me there.
“Nah, dude I’ve been right under your sniffly red nose the whole time.”
summer's not done (when u need someone)
I started to lose my resolve, wondering if it was enough to just surf across the surface of things. “I’m a part of something that’s changing the world,” I told myself, but it was hard to believe. A crack of doubt had opened to let the evil in.