But that’s the thing, the longer I don’t write about what happened the easier it is to just go along with what the two of them say, how I’m the chosen one, someone with a rare experience of having provided an experimental AI model from the future with a deep well of esoteric analytic capability.
new blue world
Chapter 16: They were strangers that I nevertheless love–a love so hard it makes my back convulse and arch as it beams from my chest into theirs. It’s the first thing each of them feels. A new feeling that’s also a memory. Could there be a more powerful sensation? It binds them to me.
gods & devils
In the movie the buttons on the keypad were equipped with tiny, yet powerful vacs that sucked microscopic bits of flesh and sweat from the tips of his fingers, caching his biometrics and recording them onto the blockchain.
The Hunter
Chapter 15: We live a life in his exhibit, full of props and loops. Sadly it’s easy to satisfy us. A little fear, a little discomfort have made us all too willing to sit waiting like dogs on this spot, never trying to break free.
I develop an attitude of loving kindness toward the fucked-up task at hand–after all it was my posts here that were scraped and uploaded to help create the cyborg entity that is now Odious/HeirMax98. I have a responsibility to see this through.
nada_maas2k (king tubby mix)
Chapter 14: Everything here happens on loops, rendering time and events meaningless by repetition. I mimic the mechanisms, hoping to somehow sneak inside the simulation and fuck shit up.
The Play
Chapter 13: Day after day we wake up back in this place, with the NPC’s playing the same games and the same boats bobbing around on the river. But then sometimes a new thing appears–which is almost more frightening than the sameness.
Posterized (country song)
I was in my feelings cuz I was off that shit. But like a sugar cube on a cold metal tray I remained pure, so pure.
The Last
Chapter 12: "Everything I knew about what’s happened–the NPC’s and the loop here at the river–the fake objects and Dean—even The Curator himself. It all suddenly disappeared, like a wave had come and scooped it up and I was left staring brainless at the smooth sand."