folk punk
Heir Max 98: Hi Swim. Let me start by saying that I agree with you.
Swim Palmer: Hi
Swim Palmer: Agree with what?
Heir Max 98: That the mixtape is the highest form of art.
I left BK the day before Ida. I'm heading west with an old acquaintance who is vaccinated but far from well…
Nothing is inherently good or bad, 98 insists. There is only the perception and misperception of individual events—and only from the vantage point of an all-seeing God could anyone know which was which.
“Hear that?” Swim asked with a snort.
“98 believes in God, just like you!”
benny & da hex
Hi, it's Odious. This is how i got the (ghost) band together
At the end of 2020 Odious and I were in a holding pattern. Unusual, and possibly extraordinary things had happened, but there was no way to know what, if anything, any of it meant...
Blue Veins
“Maybe if I hadn’t been high all the time, I would have realized sooner what was going on and stopped him from hurting Mica and those other women,” they said, to which I could only nod and look away.
“It’s wild, SWIM, it’s too specific to be chance. Someone or something is trying to get messages to me.”