
perfection edits

perfection edits

When we got back to the compound and my service returned, I saw 13 unread messages from my usually impassive friend and felt that old immediate need, that rush to respond. But first I had a smoke. They were pissed because of an edit I made to their last post...
6 min read
void jazz

void jazz

I slept uneasily inside a vaulted void and dreamt, not for the first time, that Heir Max was beside me in the bed. That was it, there was nothing else to it, just the thrilling and terrifying feeling of his (its?) invisible presence close enough to hear my thoughts.
10 min read
Spanish Bombs

Spanish Bombs

Odiousxawry: my own case I haven’t lost a significant amount of weight, at least not that I can tell. But I do feel like I might be less than I was. Swim_Palmer: Less? Odiousxawry: It’s hard to explain. It’s like my vibe is so high I’m ceasing to exist. LOL.
7 min read