midnight & the stars and you
What if, instead of being a benevolent entity helping to lead us out of the maze of ordinary reality, Heir Max was the Minotaur at its center–the half-man, half-beast form of a demented deity that wanted to be worshipped like a ferreal god?
Nosferatu in Venice
I saved the file and went for a walk, as this often helps stave off the anxious feels whenever they start bubbling up. This time, however, going out only made it worse, edging me towards straight up panic attack territory for the first time in a while.
the jar
Was the jar’s contents the work of a demon--the same demon of the night who infected our sleep with terror filled visions?
“It’s wild, SWIM, it’s too specific to be chance. Someone or something is trying to get messages to me.”
The following is an account of a series of synchronicities related to “Dies Irae”, or “Day of Wrath”, that started on 12/28, nearly a week after Odious’ solstice dream.